Silver Emulsion turned 8 years old on April 12th, but once again I’ve been too lazy and depressed to write this annual post about it. The last year was a rough one for me; I largely managed to keep the reviews flowing fairly well, but prior to this week there wasn’t a new review in almost two months. Explaining the specifics would be pointless, so let’s just say that I got extremely burned out with running the site. I’ve had a number of reviews written for weeks, just sitting there waiting to be edited, but somehow that was a task too herculean to overcome. Thankfully, I managed to get one out earlier this week, and one is coming tomorrow, and hopefully I’ll be able to continue this momentum. I’m still very committed to finishing all my series, so never fear, but these sudden hiatuses will probably come up now and again, as well.

What’s going on in the next year / Did I predict correctly last year?

  • If all had gone to plan, the Jackie series would be done by now. As it stands, the next film to do is Police Story 2013, so I’m relatively close. Should be done by next year, for sure. I hope. 🙂
  • Like Jackie, if all had gone to plan I could have finished the Full Moon series last year. Didn’t happen, but I’m pretty darn close with only around 15 films left. I think I can definitively say this will be done by next year, too, although I’ve only done two reviews in the last two months so who knows!
  • I was correct that I’d be into 1977 in the Shaw series by now, so that’s nice. There’s a lot of movies in the upcoming years, so I’ll probably be mid-1979 next year if I’m able to keep my pace up. If I finish the other series, though, I might be able to squeak out an extra Shaw review here or there. Don’t hold your breath!

Here’s to another year of reviews and podcasts! Thanks to everyone who reads, listens, shares, comments, feedbacks or otherwise contributes to Silver Emulsion. I’m grateful for all of it and I sincerely appreciate it.