This week on the Silver Emulsion Podcast, Stephen and I talk about the 1987 low-budget sci-fi barbarian movie: Tim Kincaid’s Robot Holocaust! Save the Air Slaves and enjoy! 🙂

Watch Robot Holocaust along with us on Blu-ray or VHS, or in its MST3K version on iTunes or Amazon Instant Video!

Also: the show is on iTunes! So if you feel like subscribing there, or rating/reviewing the show, feel free to share your thoughts!

Music Notes


  • Manilla Road – Hallowed Be Thy Grave


  • Willie Nelson – Bach Minuet in G

If you’ve got feedback, throw it into the comments below or email it to me via the contact page! We’ll include it in a future show!

The podcast is embedded directly below this, or you can go directly to Podbean (or use their app) to listen. If you want to subscribe, paste into whatever reader you’re using.