Starring Alli Kinzel, Lane Compton, Selene Luna, Michael Citriniti, Elizabeth Bell, Billy Marquart, Leslie Jordan, Gage Hubbard, Jane Wiedlin

Toy Cast: Baby Oopsy Daisy, Jack Attack, Divoletto

Directed by William Butler

Expectations: I don’t have many, but I hope to enjoy it. Dr. Lorca is back!

On the general scale:

On the B-Movie scale:

Demonic Toys 2 opens with a long credits sequence where gloved hands take the exploded bits and chunks of the toys and sew them back together. Only Baby Oopsy Daisy & Jack Attack get this treatment, presumably because they were the only salvageable toys from all the explosive shotgun blasts to the face, etc… it’s not the budget, I swear. One can imagine that this is essentially what happened in Charles Band’s mind as the characters had sat unused for a very long time. Eighteen years after the original, Full Moon finally decided to give the toys a proper sequel, but unfortunately it’s hardly worth the effort.

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